Daily Paintings: Great Small Formats
Discover the unique collection of original works of art in small format, created with great passion and attention to detail. You can buy art online from the comfort of your own home.
Our gallery offers a wide range of artworks that are valued as exclusive collector's items. Each piece tells an individual story and brings a special atmosphere to your premises.

Brand new daily paintings:
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Gaby Skudelny-Furth:“Kreuzkröte“
238,00 €incl. 19% VAT
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Gaby Skudelny-Furth:“Pinke Rosen“
238,00 €incl. 19% VAT
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Gaby Skudelny-Furth:“Rosa Rosen“
238,00 €incl. 19% VAT
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incl. 19% VAT
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Gaby Skudelny-Furth:“Mein Blick“
130,90 €incl. 19% VAT
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Gaby Skudelny-Furth:“Delphin“
166,60 €incl. 19% VAT
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Gaby Skudelny-Furth:“Das stille Ei“
166,60 €incl. 19% VAT
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incl. 19% VAT
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Daily Painting in a nutshell
"Paint small and often" - loosely translated: "paint small and often". That is the motto of daily painting. It's about the sense of achievement and the joy of producing a small work of art every day.
We would like to extend this current trend in the USA to German-speaking countries so that the small dailies (often 15x15cm or 25x25cm) become collector's items here too.
Everyday motifs such as people, still lifes, flowers, animals and the regular painting workload reduce one's own pressure to succeed and quickly improve skills.
There is a difference between painting every day and "painting ONE picture every day".
The choice of motifs that may be so everyday.
As collector's items, Daily Paintings offer the possibility of being harmoniously combined with one another thanks to their standardised sizes
In this way, the images can be changed according to the seasons, for example.